Tell us a little bit about yourself and Sokäch Candle?

Sokäch Candle is a Canberra-based aroma studio founded and operated by Phoebe Meng.
After finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Shanghai, I decided to move to Australia to pursue a Master’s degree. Leaving family and friends to enter an unfamiliar environment deepened my depression and anxiety. A psychotherapist recommended me to use aromatherapy alongside the medication, so I started trying out candles & diffusers from a variety of brands. The aromatherapy helped me get through that dark period.
Graduating from UNSW, I started to work as a marketing & graphic designer for 3 years. Later on, I decided to create a brand with my artistic taste and personal style, so here comes Sokäch. A home candle brand brings art, design, and a love atmosphere into your home.
Do you have any lessons learned/things you would do differently for those starting out in the business world?
Businesses, especially small startup businesses like us require a lot of courage to start with, but the passion and enthusiasm could burn out quickly if we have a rough start. As an example, we spent lots of time on setting up a website and money on stocking up the products but had ZERO sales at the first beginning. The majority of the startup business quit at this stage. Just like any other small business, the starting point is not easy for Sokäch either, I doubted myself a lot and thought about quitting multiple times. If anything I wish I had done differently, I wish I could reach out to more entrepreneurs and be more prepared mentally and physically before and during the Sokäch launch. Being on a whole new journey alone, and fighting by yourself could be incredibly stressful and lonely, be brave to reach out for more opportunities and collaboration, the inspiration and motivation from others can help you get through even on the roughest time.

How can we support Sokäch Candle?
Thanks to CBR women for building a lovely community for the women business owners in Canberra. I truly hope that Sokäch can be more involved and become a mutual helping force to one another.
Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality
Find a way to differentiate your business. Standing out from your competition is critical for achieving your dream. While most people understand that concept, far too many businesses fail to put it into practice. It would provide your startup business with a competitive advantage to start with.
