Tell us a little bit about yourself?
We met as shell shocked first time mums at a MACH mums groups and then travelled the epic mum journey together. By complete accident, we had our second bubs together. Then we had a little conversation about how these boxes that we were creating for friends as they became mothers…

Tell us about Lily and Cress and how it came to be?
Lily and Cress provides a curated gift experience that helps you give practical and meaningful support to women as they become mothers. We created our small business to change the way we can support mothers through how and what we gift them. Our mothering journeys showed us that what we actually needed to thrive and survive the intensity of the ‘fourth trimester’ and beyond, wasn’t another onesie, rattle or toy. Grieving after loss, we needed comfort, to have our experience as mothers seen, our babies recognised and space for our grief. Taking our bubs home for the first time, we needed hydration, energy, comfort, and healing plus all those practical items to survive. After growing a human inside and now raising them, we needed to nourish ourselves, fuel our bodies and find ways to boost energy. We couldn’t find this wrapped up in a beautiful gift. So we created it. We’re really proud of our Connection Card which arrives a month after the gift box and includes a link to a curated list of activities, services, groups and organisations that support new mums as well as our support for local Canberra businesses and charities.

How can we support Lily and Cress?
We would love you to follow our journey @lilyandcress and to spread the word about our gift boxes, particularly our Loss Box for mothers who experience the loss of a baby. We are so passionate about supporting mothers and would love to help you provide the new mum in your life with genuine support.
Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality
When a friend plants a seed of an idea and then you both go off, have more babies and all that jazz, but the seed grows into a crazy idea, go for it. The exhilaration of bringing your business baby to life is like being a parent. Crazy, scary but one hell of an amazing ride. Remember to always fill your cup first.