What is your drink of choice?
I was a latecomer to this drink but can’t go past it now – G&T with preferably Hendricks and of course cucumber. It’s just so good!
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a Canberra girl but escaped for a few years and lived in Greece where I completed my year 11 & 12. Once back home, I went to UC to complete my Master of Physiotherapy and then furthered my studies in Pelvic Floor Physio through Uni of Melbourne. I have a pretty big family with a large portion of them in Canberra so really I’m not leaving any time soon, family is everything! I’m an animal lover to no end, if you have a dog – I need to pat it! And lastly but certainly not least importantly I’m sure I have the world’s best husband. He has been my biggest support especially in the creation of Sound CBR and continues to support me even when I doubt myself. He has this inspiring can-do attitude where nothing is ever too hard, he literally continues to amaze me every day – also he’s taller than me, which I love!
Tell us about Sound CBR and how it came to be?
The trigger for Sound CBR really only got pulled on the Australia Day weekend this year, but honestly if I think back to where it all really came from it’s been a much longer story than that. We, like many others have been on a long and emotional fertility journey. Anyone who has experienced this for themselves knows the heartache and stress involved when they haven’t been fortunate enough to conceive naturally. I love my job and particularly the Women’s Health side of it is something that I have become super passionate about. The general knowledge of the female body and how it functions is surprisingly poor amongst the general population and I too was surprised at what I didn’t know when I began to further to my studies in this area. Last year was a big year for my Women’s Health case load and I was so grateful to help so many Canberra women address pelvic pain and dysfunction concerns, manage prolapse presentations, treat incontinence issues and help educate and rehab women during their pregnancies and the postnatal period. But behind closed doors I was having a truly hard time being surrounded by so many pregnancies and over time found myself realising I needed help from other health professionals but also not really sure where to look for different services. This is partly where Sound CBR was born, from trying to create a calm, safe and welcoming environment for all bodies but particularly women who might be going through their own difficult journey and not really sure where to start and what services can be helpful. The decision to create Sound CBR was immediately the right one as I very quickly felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that perhaps our fertility journey had been the way it had so that I could be exactly where I am right now having created a beautiful space to help others. As an added bonus, during the creation of sound CBR, we were lucky enough to find success on our next round of fertility treatment and I am so grateful to say we are now expecting in November!

How can we support Sound CBR?
The Sound team have a lot to offer the Canberra community and really it’s more about how can Sound CBR support you! We have a range of services including Physiotherapy, Women’s Health Physiotherapy, Psychology, Dietetics, Nutrition, Ayurveda, and Massage as well as lots of Yoga and Pilates classes throughout the week. So if you’re realising that you might need some help or you’ve been having a hard time recently, you can support us by supporting yourself and doing something for you! Taking the time out of your day to try a Pilates or Yoga class or book that appointment that you’ve been continuing to put off.
Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality?
There’s no such thing as waiting for the right time, if you do you’ll literally be waiting forever. Sometimes you really just have to go for it and focus on taking one step at a time. Of course there will inevitably be days when it all seems a bit much, but never underestimate the power of surrounding yourself with positive people who will support and encourage your endeavours!

Barton, ACT