Heard about living a low tox lifestyle and wondered what all the fuss is about?
You may think its a modern-day trend but if we skip back to our grandmothers era, household products contained little to no chemicals. Yet today its a completely different story… Its suggested that women apply over 200 chemicals to our bodies each and every day through our personal care, cosmetics and cleaning products!! YIKES! And who knows the long term effects these chemicals are having on our healthOur homes and bodies are one of the few places we can control and choose the products we use. That’s where living low tox starts. Ladies, its time to switch out your conventional products for powerful plant-based and chemical free options. It can be overwhelming to get started but I can assure you with a like-minded community, you’ll have the support you need to live a more nourishing and healthier lifeKeen to learn more? Head on over to my Etsy page where you can grab cleaning samples and perfume rollers – These are the perfect place to kick start your wellness journey!Alicia xThis post is dedicated to my Granny, who would have turned 100 this year. When I was a young girl, we would chat for hours on end. She was a women’s rights activist and shared her vision of a world filled with peace, ethical practices, organic produce, and living chemical-free.