BOSS WOMAN 87 Tracey Mylecharane – Solicitor

What is your drink of choice?
I don’t have just one… The way to my heart is through good coffee and good red wine. To me, bad coffee is sin!

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a business owner, lawyer, mother, wife, friend, and more. And I embrace all of the hats that come with these roles—the juggle is real!
To help me with all the hats, I am obsessed with being organised.
For me, structure and planning is the secret to getting through every day!
Running a house with two little people in school (and one with weekend sport that stated this year) and a husband who works shift work, means that my planning and scheduling is essential (and it really pays off!).
Even though many have labelled my organisation tolls ‘over-the-top’, it is because of this obsession that in my house, we all know what we’re doing and where we need to be.
A guiding force for me is also my spirituality (you could say I’m a little bit ‘woo woo’). I am a firm believer in intuition and energies, and I subscribe to the way of thinking that “we get from the universe what we give to the universe”. Owing to this, I live by values of compassion, honesty, integrity and fun.
At the moment, I’m on a fitness journey—and all the ups and downs that can come with that. Before children I was very fit and very active, and I’m on a mission to return to this (I know there are so many who can relate—you’re not alone!). In all honesty, I am not having a great deal of success at the moment, but I’m committed and being sure to stop and show myself kindness in the process.
Tell us about Tracey Mylecharane – Solicitor and how it came to be?
I have been practicing law for a really long time. Within this time, I have had some big lessons and direction changes.
I left a really intense legal career when my son was born and for the first time I discovered that there really was a thing called ‘balance’ that was achievable in life. I enjoyed a slower-paced life whilst raising my two little people, and I taught law at the ANU whilst I was doing this.
When they were both at school age, I realised that I couldn’t resist the pull to legal practice for much longer, so I founded my law practice. And in doing so, I made a promise to myself that I would do things differently to pull away from the toxic intensity that too many lawyers get caught in. I am creating a firm that not only provides balance to me and my team, but provides better service to my clients.
Tracey Mylecharane – Solicitor specialises in business law, and is very much founded on the basis that ‘Prevention is better than cure’.
The first part of my career was spent primarily in litigation and dispute resolution, so there is not much I haven’t seen in terms of what can go wrong for people, and businesses, and the (sometimes dire) consequences that follow.
I know there are better ways for people to deal with dispute. This includes setting themselves up early on, so my practice focuses on that, in the hope that my clients will be able to avoid having to call me to help them out of a tricky situation when things go wrong.
My approach to my business centres around flexibility and balance. There is just no need to sell your soul to your work or your career. Having a balance is possible, and I am proof of that. We operate virtually (which has served us well during the COVID-19 period). I have a junior solicitor working with me who is also a musician (she completed her law degree whilst touring through America). She has what it takes to do both, and honestly, she bring such value to the field of law. The traditional law firm wouldn’t know what to do with this kind of person! It’s such a shame. I embrace it and we work beautifully together.
I have a team around me for communications and marketing, administrative assistance and bookkeeping, and I work with an incredible coach. Honestly, I feel so blessed to be doing what I am doing, the way that I am doing it, and with such amazing people in my team.
How can we support Tracey Mylecharane – Solicitor?
I want business owners, especially women in business, to understand the essential role business legals play in business success. I want women to be empowered and to know that when their business is protected and streamlined it leads to great confidence, reduced overwhelm and great success.
Spreading the message about the importance of business legals, and letting women know that they can find lawyers that are compassionate, non-judgmental and honest, is something I love working with others to do.
Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?
Be kind to yourself and keep learning about yourself. The more you learn, the more you set yourself up for success.
It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, you can make change. You can do business with the values you set. It takes courage to make change, and it’s not always easy; but when you act in alignment with your values, it is so much easier to weather every storm.
In business, it is also vital to surround yourself with advisers from diverse fields. People who share your values but can apply different expert lenses on your situation. When you gain these perspectives, you can work through anything and you are also reminded that you’re not alone. This is a strong belief of mine, built through a lot of experience and it was the catalyst for a new business I co-founded this year, also. Business Minds Collaboration brings together a team of insightful experts to help businesses expand their view points and take their business, and themselves, to the next level and beyond. You can find out more at