What is your drink of choice?
I love coffee (double shot three quarter latte) + freshly squeezed orange juice depending on which mood I am in 🙂

Tell us a little bit about yourself?Â
I am 31 years old, and I am a fashion and commercial photographer based in Canberra-Australia (est. 2006). I am also the founder and director of modelling and talent agency Devojka Models (est. 2015).
I adore the process of creation and the challenge of being a business owner, as well as all of the simple things in life: relationships, the beach, travel and nature. The contrast between the chaotic world of creation/business vs. the calm of nature gives me the ultimate sense of balance.
Tell us about Tina Nikolovski photography and how it came to be?
 After spending almost a decade in the industry as a professional photographer, I decided to launch Devojka Models in 2015. I had the idea for years prior to launching the agency, as I spent years photographing and mentoring models, developing their portfolios and hearing about the industry from their perspective.
I felt like there was a massive gap in Canberra in terms of a ‘boutique’ agency, and I wanted to create something that eliminated the gap between ‘model’ and ‘agent’. Something that was big enough to give choice but small enough to maintain quality and a focused, caring nature – and one that gave me the ability to continue to advance and develop the talent on the books and not have them feel like they are just another number.
My intention was also to launch an agency that did not focus solely on superficial elements such as measurements. An agency in which encouraged diversity, inclusivity and one in which emphasised the deeper intention behind modelling and acting – seeing it as more of an art from, performance and skill. Being an established fashion photographer, I also knew I could bring a wealth of knowledge from a different perspective (including that of the client).
Over the years the agency has now developed into two main divisions – Devojka’s mainboard (mostly comprised of models), and Devojka’s Talent Grid – comprised of actors, voice over artists, presenters and more.
Tell us about Tina Nikolovski photography and how it came to be?
I was an 18 year old girl who had a strong desire to study psychology. I worked really hard to achieve a strong UAI which I knew would allow me to have the widest choice in studying at University. But with a change of heart I decided to study something creative rather than analytical, for my own development and balance. Two days before the course started I enrolled in the Bachelor of Photography degree at CIT and have never looked back!
Never did I imagine how much this decision would impact the course my life. Back then I enrolled in photography with the intention of exploring my creativity, as well as balancing my own mental health. As early as only the 2nd year, I used my business assignment to establish my first business (Tina Nikolovski Photography), and the rest is history. It was then that I fell in love with fashion photography (mind you, at first I feared it and almost quit!)
I love fashion photography because of the amount of variables that make up a single image – lighting, styling, makeup, hair, composition, mood, model, etc. I have spent every year since then building on my skills and client base, exploring my craft and developing my skills as a professional photographer and artist. I love having full creative control, as well as also working with other creatives who are experts in their respective fields, to come up with something really powerful. I thrive on working with others who have the same level of passion and drive in what they do.
“Photography for me is much more than the click of a button. It is capturing a moment, forming a connection and using the camera as a medium to freeze time.
My intention in shooting stems far beyond capturing something that is aesthetically pleasing. The entire experience from start to finish is meaningful – and in sharing my craft with the world I am also giving the gift of experience.
My ultimate goal (apart from producing the best work I possibly can), is to help people see and love the beauty within themselves.”

How can we support your businesses?
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of my amazing clients from the bottom of my heart! It is because of you that I am able to do what I love every single day.
To support these ventures, please like/follow any of these pages below, and get in touch for all photography/talent/modelling needs:
Tina Nikolovski Photography: Website | Instagram
Devojka Models:
Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?
For anyone who is wishing to turn their dreams into reality, there are a few words of advice I’d love to share!
1. Know Your Intention
WHAT is it that you want to do and more importantly, WHY do you want to do it? Knowing your intention will help solidify your goals and help you understand your deeper purpose.
2. Believe In Yourself
Mindset (in my opinion) is the most important aspect to all ventures in life! And one of the most important things to focus on is a genuine, unconditional belief in yourself.
For the first few years of my business, it was my mindset and doubts that held me back from truely achieving success (which of course can mean different things to different people). This is a common block for many artists – as we are always baring our thoughts, heart, mind and soul to the world, and we tend to be the most critical of ourselves – especially when we are still learning and discovering the artist (and person) that we are. It wasn’t until I let go of all of those expectations, the fear of failure and the fear of learning that I really accelerated my growth path and in turn, the growth of my ventures. It literally felt like a pipe and been unblocked and so many ideas started flowing through so naturally. I gave myself permission to be myself and to explore my craft from many different levels. I allowed myself to think and explore creativity without the fear of not succeeding – and any setbacks became challenges to me. Not only did this allow me to accelerate my growth on a skill level, but it also helped me evolve as a person, in every aspect of my life.
3. Continual Development
For longevity in any industry, it is an absolute must that you continue to push yourself in terms of your professional skills, as well as on a personal, emotional and physical level. I believe that balance is imperative – so it is important to self-care and have boundaries to support your health and wellbeing as a person. I also feel that regardless of where you are in any career, aiming for growth will keep you innovative, authentic and stimulated. It will hinder complacency and encourage passion and zest, which are an integral element in developing relationships and long-term success.
I could go on but safe to say, those would be my top 3! 🙂