What is your drink of choice?
This would have to be dependent on what time of day it is! I LOVE my morning coffee & I don’t actually think I could function without it! However, my favourite way to wind down after a busy week is to indulge in a glass (or two) of red, I’m a massive shiraz lover and nothing relaxes me more than pouring a glass or wine and lighting the fire.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi there, I’m Codie! I’m 28, a wife and mum to two beautiful boys. Jack my eldest is 4 and Daniel my youngest is 2. When I am not working you can find me jumping in muddy puddles, flying kites, building racing tracks and playing tackle time on the trampoline (being a Mumma of boys is pretty wild). I also enjoy bushwalking, walking along the beach, travelling, binge watching Netflix series and TikTokin. I really adore a good laugh with friends, and I am a typical middle child who loves to be the centre of attention.
Tell us about Codie Murray photography and how it came to be?
I started Codie Murray Photography in 2012. In the early days I was just a girl with a passion for taking photos. I brought my first DSLR when I was 20 and I use to dress my niece up and take posed photos of her for fun. I then started taking photos of my friends and their little families and before I knew it, I started a photography Facebook page and well the rest is history! My little hobby became a part time job and I invested a lot into education and training. I got married and had children of my own and the desire to run my own business and work around my family commitments grew and grew. Over the past 4 years my photography business has really taken off and I have regular clients that come back year after year. I began taking photos of newborns in my family lounge room, then I moved to a tiny upstairs bedroom and now I have created a perfect little studio in the Master bedroom of my house. I did workshops with some of the leading photographers in the industry and formed some incredible friendships with amazing photographers in my local area. Last year I left my part time job at Qantas and decided to focus completely on my photography company. This year has had many challenges for small business owners with the impact of the bushfires and covid-19 but it has been my most successful year yet.

How can we support Codie Murray Photography?
Honestly the best way is to simply give us a follow-on social media. Like a few posts and if you like what you see hit share.
Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?
Don’t wait any longer. There is no time like right now to start turning those dreams into a reality. Remember “if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life”. Always invest in education and training and surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams.