What is your drink of choice?
Well that depends on if it is ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ but let’s be real I would drink Champagne from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning I am shocked I down have a bottle on my bedside table with a straw in it waiting for me. Unfortunately, that is probably frowned upon so coffee comes in a close second which is normally filled with collagen powder, maca powder and a blend of medicinal mushrooms because slowing down the aging process is high on my list of things to do.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I studied my diploma in makeup back in 2010 it’s something I have always loved, even as a child makeup made my soul sing. Lord that sounded just so cliché even writing it made my eyes roll.
Not long after I had completed my studies and started work at Napoleon Perdis (my dream job at the time) I fell pregnant with my first son, I decided to let my career take a backseat and really focused on being a mum. I looked for an easier 9-5 job so I could focus on my family while also doing many beauty courses such as tanning, lashes and cosmetic tattooing (yet to be completed) to fill in spare time. I continued to do all things beauty in the background, after hours and on weekends. During this time, I went on to have three more boys. Now I have reached a point where I no longer wanted my passion to linger in the shadows. My family was complete after we had our fourth child and I knew I was ready to spend time focusing on what I wanted to do. That’s when my fifth baby was born . . . Mama Beauty.
Tell us about MAMA Beauty and how it came to be?
Mama is so authentic to who I am (bet you couldn’t guess that), I never want to take away from the fact that I am a mum and want to make sure any mum that walks through our salon doors is made to feel like she is welcomed. I never want anyone to feel like they are an inconvenience if they have to bring their children to their appointment or that they might need to stop and breast feed half way through a treatment. This is a space to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy. Really our ultimate goal is we want every single person to walk out those doors loving themselves sick! I want them to walk out with more confidence then they walked in with. The salon its self is super up beat with constant 90’s-00’s RNB music because in all seriousness who doesn’t love some old school. I just love the vibe it has in there and I so can not wait for all our beautiful clients to love the space as much as we do.

How can we support MAMA Beauty?
Social media is huge and would definitely love the support Share, like, follow, all the above. Also, plenty word of mouth, we are located a little bit out of the capital but we are most definitely worth the trip. Book in with us we want to see your pretty faces!
Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?
Wow, what a question. Holy Lord in heaven. I still to this day question myself, have I made the right decision? What is the worst case if this doesn’t work? How badly will this affect me and my family? How much money will I loose going out on my own? Am I smart enough for this? I have zero backing to support any of what I am doing. I didn’t even finish business studies in year 11. I dropped out in year 11. You idiot that last year and a half probably would have unlocked the secrets to a successful business. Constant lies you tell yourself and self-doubt that will never stop even if you think you are confident enough in yourself, something in the back of your mind will always bring you back down to earth and remind you, that you in fact are human and cant
control the world.BUT what I can tell you from all of this, there is never ever a good time, if there was then I probably should have waited because I still have not answered half the question above, nor did I complete year 11. I didn’t wait, I got sick of playing the constant back and forth game in my head and just pulled my damn socks up and did it. (I want to use the classic ‘take a leap of faith’ phrase but I wont because you get the idea). Honestly just do it, do it because you can’t stop thinking about it, do it because you smile a little when you think about the possibilities, do it because you will work it all out as you go along.

Don’t worry, the universe will always have your back.