What is your drink of choice? Soy chai latte!

Tell us about yourself?
Hey, I’m Nicole – Founder of NCONIC Life Coaching. I am a qualified Life Coach & High School Teacher. I studied teaching straight out of school as I knew I wanted to help students like my teachers helped me. I loved and continue to love teaching, which is why I took up Life Coaching – it is a profession that I always wanted but didn’t quite know existed until early 2019. Since then, I have completed various certifications in coaching that has now propelled me into starting up my own business – something I never thought I would be doing! Fun Fact: I am from Sydney and moved to Canberra with my partner in June 2018.
Tell us about NCONIC and how it came to be?NCONIC started up in May 2019. I had already started my Life Coaching courses and in this month, I had attended a marketing workshop. By the end of this day, I just knew I had to start my own business and create a job for myself where I could help others live life without limits. NCONIC is a combination of my passions of coaching & teaching – a community where support is always offered to those who need it. For many years after school, I struggled with my identity and purpose and it wasn’t until I started to learn about self-care & personal breakthroughs, that I agreed to take the first steps to find out more about Life Coaching. The day I signed up to do it, my life changed dramatically & for the better. I know I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing – this is my life’s work.

How can we support NCONIC?
Letting the CBR community know more about me & my services. NCONIC is a Life Coaching service for after school leavers, for people in their 20s and 30s, who feel unclear about their life’s purpose. It is for people who feel uncertain, overwhelmed, who don’t know who to turn to or what to do – I’ve created this for them. I have programs, workshops & offer 1:1 sessions. My IG @nconiclife is where you’ll get all this info & coaching.
Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality? Invest in yourself. Often, we make quick decisions in choosing others before ourselves and I think this pattern can leave us feeling quite miserable. When I started working on myself and figuring out how to meet my needs, my dreams became achievable… and this year, they are a reality. When you bring your focus back to you, day by day, you will start to see what matters most and where to move towards. Look after yourself first 🙂